The Importance of Serious Responses to Sexual Violence on Campus

4 min readSep 25, 2024


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The rise of sexual violence cases has become a hot topic of discussion on almost all campuses across Indonesia. The entire campus is trying to eradicate the act of sexual violence, because this is certainly a very worrying thing. campus which should be a safe place to study and uphold existing norms, but instead become a place that threatens safety and does not provide a sense of security.

What is the Crime of Sexual Violence?

Sexual violence according to Komnas Perempuan is a degrading act, attacking the body related to sexual desire or reproductive function by force, against a person’s will which causes a person to be unable to give consent in a free state due to unequal power relations, gender relations and/or actions that cause physical, psychological, sexual, economic, social and cultural suffering. In Indonesia, the crime of sexual violence is regulated in Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2022 tentang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual.

Sexual Violence Survey on Campus

In a survey in 2020 conducted by the Directorate General of Higher Education, it was proven that 77% of lecturers recognized the existence of sexual violence that occurred on campus, but 63% of them did not take further action such as reporting the sexual violence they knew about. Victims of sexual violence on campus are generally women, but some men are also affected. Usually, the perpetrators are the campus academic community itself. Many victims do not have the courage to report the events they experience because they are afraid of negative treatment such as being expelled from campus. Higher Education should be a safe and comfortable space for the entire campus community. However, this still cannot be realized because there are still many cases of sexual violence on campus. Based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture, until July 2023 there were 65 cases of sexual violence in the university field.

Factors Triggering Sexual Violence in Campus

1. The rise of sexual violence cases in higher education is certainly motivated by several factors that cause the increase in sexual violence cases, namely:

2. Power Gap: Sexual violence can occur when there is a violent tension between the perpetrator and the victim, such as lecturers and students, seniors and juniors, or superiors and subordinates.

3. Lack of Sexual Education: A lack of understanding about the importance of consent in sexual relationships and sexual violence also has a big influence on the situation.

4. Gender Stereotypes: Gender stereotypes that view women as sexual objects can lead to sexual violence.

5. Academic Demands: Academic pressures contribute to incidents of sexual violence, where some lecturers may seduce students to engage in such acts. Additionally, there are cases where lecturers threaten students with bad grades if they refuse.

Image: Pinterest

Campus Efforts to Address Sexual Violence in the Campus Environment

To handle cases of sexual violence on campus, many universities in Indonesia have formed a Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (Satgas PPKS). The formation of this Task Force is based on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 30 Tahun 2021 tentang Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual di Lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi. Here are some of the main roles and responsibilities of the PPKS Task Force on campus:

1. Prevention and Education: The PPKS Task Force is tasked with providing education to the entire campus community regarding sexual violence.

2. Complaint Mechanism: One of the important roles of the PPKS Task Force is to provide an easily accessible and safe complaint mechanism for victims of sexual violence.

3. Assistance for Victims: After receiving a report, the PPKS Task Force also provides assistance to victims of sexual violence. This assistance can be in the form of psychological, legal, and social assistance.

4. Case Investigation and Handling: The PPKS Task Force has the authority to investigate reported cases of sexual violence.

5. Policy Drafting: Plays a role in drafting and updating internal campus policies related to the prevention and handling of sexual violence.

Students Take Part in Preventing Sexual Violence Cases

Students have an important role in preventing cases of sexual violence on campus through several ways:

1. Raising Awareness: Students can organize discussions, seminars, and campaigns to spread knowledge about sexual violence and how to prevent it.

2. Supporting Victims: By creating a safe and supportive environment, students can encourage victims to speak up and report without fear of stigma.

3. Become Agents of Change: Actively report or prevent acts of sexual violence that occur around you, and participate in monitoring the implementation of related policies.

4. Involved in the PPKS Task Force: Some students are also involved in the PPKS Task Force to participate directly in handling cases of sexual violence on campus.


Sexual violence on campus is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Factors such as the power gap, gender stereotypes, and lack of sexual education are the main triggers. The campus has formed the PPKS Task Force as a handling step, tasked with educating, receiving reports, assisting victims, and handling cases as a whole. On the other hand, students also have an important role in preventing sexual violence through awareness campaigns, supporting victims, and actively participating in the Task Force.

Writer : Intan (Public Relation Department)




Written by KALORI KSBA

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