The Development of Social Media in Marketing
By Fayza Kulla Azmina
Social media can be interpreted broadly in various ways. In a practical sense, social media is a collection of software-based digital technologies that are usually presented as applications and websites that provide digital services to users where they can send and receive digital content or information through several types of online social networks (Daarwis, 2021). In this sense, social media can be considered as the main platform and its features, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It can also be a practical term social media as another type of digital marketing channel that marketers can use to communicate with consumers through advertising (Pramesthi, 2019).
Given the large number of potential users who often spend hours a day using social media on various platforms, it is not surprising that marketers have used social media as a marketing channel (Fantini, Sofyan, & Suryana, 2021). Academically, social media has also been embraced, and there is a lot of research on social media marketing and related topics. Despite what academics have learned over the last 15–20 years on this topic, due to the fast-paced and ever-changing nature of social media and how consumers are aware of technological developments in this modern world and using social media in marketing may be a clear distinction compared to previous times.
Human communication has experienced extraordinary developments. This modern world enables humans to connect with each other so that there are almost no boundaries in communicating. Social media has evolved from simply providing a platform for individuals to becoming a link between family and friends. This modern age is a place where consumers can learn more about their favorite companies and the products they sell. Technological developments such as the advent of accurate search engines, advanced mobile devices and interfaces, peer-to-peer communication, and online social networks have broadened the ability of marketers to reach buyers in new and sophisticated ways. The development of social media as a communication tool began to mushroom and affect people’s lives
Marketing in shopping is a new concept that is emerging, creating interactions between businesses and consumers. Shopping marketing is the planning and execution of all marketing activities that affect shopping along the entire purchasing path, from the point where the motivation to shop first arises through purchase, consumption, repurchase, and recommendations. Providing shopping services on social networks can provide business growth for retailers due to the diversity of consumers who use social media sites. The wide reach of consumers who take advantage of social networks means that most of the target market can be reached. Technology provides an effective platform for retailers to promote their brands and products to potential consumers.
Along with the development of communication media called social media, marketing participates in the development by utilizing this tool to bring companies closer to consumers. Consumers who were previously ordinary users can be persuaded or offered various products and services so that social media users are interested and want to try to make purchases on social media. The ability of social media is not only limited to offerings, but how the relationship between users and companies can continue to be established by providing reviews, comments, and discounts that are very attractive to users.
Fantini, Sofyan, & Suryana. (2021). Optimalisasi Sosial Media Sebagai Sarana Promosi Usaha Kecil Menengah Meningkatkan Penjualan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. EMBISS, 1 (2).
Darwis, M. (2021). Peran Sosial Media dalam Budaya Politik. JURNAL SIPATOKKONG BPSDM SULSEL, 2(1), 93–103. Retrieved from
Pramesthi. (2019). Meaning Transfer Model pada Social Media Influencer. Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 19 (1).