3 min readMay 6, 2022


by: Thalia Revaline Saragih & Zaky Hidayat

Does everyone know what HRD (Human Resource Development) actually is? Generally, it could be known as a section, division, or position in a workplace that is responsible for managing employees in various aspects to improve their abilities so that they can complete various tasks related to their future roles. HRD will help to develop employee potential and skills to the fullest through various means, such as through employee training and career development, while increasing effectiveness and performance within the company.

For more details, let us take a look at its functions and jobs. First, recruiting new employees based on the company or organization needed. In general, HRD understands more about the characteristics of workers needed in the workplace. So, this recruitment is made to get the best employees who are suitable to fill the required vacancies. Second, in accordance with its meaning, HRD is also responsible for employee self-development, such as preparing the employees to face the next challenges in the workplace, including facilitating development programs based on workers needs and evaluation in order to develop their skills. Third, managing relationships between employees. In this case, HRD takes part in building good relations between employees, in the form of creating activities to know each employee better, personally and professionally.1 Fourth, maintain employee participation involvement. This allows workers to share and exchange their ideas or aspirations in the form of building criticism or suggestions and views in the joint decision-making process within the programs. Last, the most important function, is to provide protection and compensation to employees. HRD must pay attention to the welfare of employees, such as the employees’ benefits in accordance with the performance and responsibilities that are carried out. This can also be seen from the loyalty of employees to the company.

Basically, all HRD functions are carried out in order to create a good work environment, improve the performance of the workplace, and maintain the welfare of workers. Therefore, we can conclude that the happiness of workers is the most important thing which can boost up their happiness and energy. There is a slogan, “Happy Workers Do a Better Job”. This can be interpreted that if the workers are happy in doing their job, then of course it can bring positive effects to their work performances that can result in giving their whole attention, effort, and produce the best results. It is different if the workers feel burdened and unhappy (hatred) towards their jobs. So, HRD really needs to pay attention to any aspects or things that can increase or boost the workers performance. In simple terms, HRD is able know the employees welfare through making feedback or else. HRD also needs to ensure that employees can work productively and comfortably so that they can create a healthy working environment with the aim of obtaining good results.

After seeing the explanation above, we can know what important role of HRD division in managing human resources in an organizational or work environment is. HRD has the responsibility to improve the skills of workers to become more proficient and efficient in handling a job. Not only that, HRD is also responsible for the welfare of the workers, both by creating a work environment that is not saturated and providing appropriate compensation so that workers are more loyal and happy. As it is stated, “happy workers do a better job”.


Farhansyah, J. (2021, November 25). Arti, Fungsi, Dan Tugas human resource development, yuk Pahami! Talenta. elopment/ developer. (2021, November 27). Ini Tugas Dan Fungsi HRD Di Perusahaan. aan




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