Festivals in Eropa : Unique and Diverse

2 min readAug 12, 2022


By : Rose Febiola Nababan

The continent of Europe is a large continent in which many countries that hold a variety of unique traditions and cultures, as we know, that America and Asia are continents that are famous for their exoticism, another thing with Europe which is praised with its peculiarity. Countries included in the european continent are France, Italy, Greece and Germany, the country is the country that is the main destination of tourists in the world. Cultural development in the country that still holds many relics and amazing mysteries become the attraction of tourists to visit. Tourist tourism found on the continent is very historic, beautiful and romantic.

There are many traditions on the continent such as

● Boxing Football in Italy

Boxing football festivals date back to the 16th century in the Piazza Santa Croce area of central Florence. During boxing football the players can fight boxing and each other’s football, the match lasts for 50 minutes, and rarely the players escape injury. The final of the race is held every year which falls on the date

● Tomato war in Spain

The tomato war festival is a festival originating from Spain which is known as the festival of la tomatina from the Bunol region in southern Spain. To carry out this festival if it takes thousands of kilos of tomatoes to become war ammunition, this festival lasts for an hour. The event, which is held once a year, is held on August 31.

● Cheese catch competition in England

Cheese capture competition festival is a festival in the form of a competition held in the Gloucestershire district, the area is the largest cheese producing area in the UK, this festival is held for 4 days in a row, in this festival a cheese rolling weighing tens of kilp will be rolled down the hill Cooper Hill and must be captured by all participants loma. The winner is a man or woman who runs very quickly rolling down the hill.

● La Merce festival in Italy

Italy’s la merce festival is included in unesco heritage, this festival has existed since the 18th century precisely in the region of Catalonia. The festival is held annually in September in Barcelona. This festival is a competition where participants will form the tallest human pyramid, also called Castell. Throughout the implementation of this race, many participants suffered injuries and even fractures due to the possibility of a human pyramid collapsed and the child at the top of the pyramid fell and suffered injuries and even fractures.


Keunikan Tradisi dan Budaya Khas Eropa, (2018, June, 5).


6 Fakta Unik tentang Benua Eropa yang tak banyak diketahui, (2014, July 15)





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