Every Step To Success With Teamwork

7 min readApr 8, 2022


By: Puteri Fathonah

Every human being has the confidence and ability to carry out dreams that have been planned long ago. People’s dreams evolve with their needs and the realities they face. They realized that with their perseverance in that goal, they could bear the dream they wanted. No matter how big or small their dreams are, everything is determined by the strong factor of desire. Human life in this world must have a purpose. Humans who do not have it all will be confused about living their lives. In daily operational life at school, each team member must pay close attention to the steps of their predecessors. If it is smooth, then the steps need to be continued. However, if the predecessor’s step is wrong, then the second, third, and so on must choose another alternative. There is an element of a learning process or a learning process for each step that is passed. The learning process becomes meaningful and interesting if it is done jointly by all elements in the organization, not concerned with the existence of oneself by replacing all that is good just because of the results of other people’s thinking.

A collection of intelligent people does not necessarily produce intelligent results because teamwork requires mutual tolerance. Sometimes there are people who are not able to do something in a field. Other people who are more capable should come to help do the work, especially if someone who is unable to afford comes and asks for help. However, the opposite often happens in the field, only because personal interests are higher than common interests. Dreams are hopes that are hung to come true, in a dream there is a prayer that continues to be said to make it come true. Just as I dreamed of being a student at a state university, back in high school I could only dream, dream, and dream. Often I ask myself, can I become a student? Instantly, the question was blown away by the cruel world of finance. But I believe in His miracles and power, where there is a will there’s a way. With those words I continued to study, study, and study so that my grades did not drop, because we are required to try, pray, and try, the result is Allah who determines it.

A team is a group of people with different abilities, talents, experiences and backgrounds, who come together to achieve one goal. Despite their differences, their common goal is the link that unites them as a team. In an organization, teamwork determines the work output produced. Teamwork is much better at achieving the organization’s vision, mission and goals, than working individually. Teamwork must function within the institution and must get the widest possible opportunities in critical situations, such as when it comes to making decisions and solving problems.

Ivancevich et al define teams: “Teams are a special type of task group, consisting of two or more individuals responsible for the achievement of a goal or objective”. A team is a special type of work group, consisting of two or more individuals who are responsible for the achievement of a goal. Meanwhile, Stephen P. Robbins stated “A group whose individual efforts result in a performance that is greater than the sum of the individual inputs”. A group in which the individuals involved in it provide a greater performance than the total number of performances given by the individual. From the opinion above, it can be concluded that teams and groups have the same concept. Thus teams and groups are individuals who work together to produce greater performance compared to working individually. Teams may be much more effective than working individually in contexts where complex decisions need to be made, especially when teams are designed with certain characteristics and thoughts in mind. Teams are used because they make sense for a particular organization. The benefits obtained by the organization include increased performance, employee benefits, and reduced costs. For teams to be more effective, they must be able to overcome some of the common problems and dysfunctions in groups, including; violation of norms and unclear roles of team members, risky change and social loafing.

Teamwork Creating is a phrase you may have heard, but sometimes difficult to understand. If you have ever worked in a team that really clicked, you will know how true that is. Highly functional teams can achieve great results — not only gradually better, but perhaps 10x the average team. But more than that, a great team is a pleasure to work with. In fact, work becomes motivating, fun, and very rewarding when you are surrounded by a dream team. Who would not want to work in a team like that? The Origins of Teamwork Make Dreams This famous phrase was first attributed to John Maxwell, an American Pastor. The original quote is; Teamwork makes the dream work, but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and a bad team.

Teamwork Creating Dreamwork: how to make it happen It is great to have a desire for a high-functioning team, but how do you actually create a dream team? Not everyone has the natural leadership and charisma like some of the famous leaders of our time, but it is still quite possible to create an excellent team. Hiring the perfect team member is definitely an ideal way to start, but often we have an existing team that we want to improve. No need to worry — no team has failed and there is plenty to do! Components of a great team There are several elements required for a high-performing team. Regardless of the current state of your team, all of these things can easily be improved. Find out which ones require the most work and focus on the former. This is what it takes to grow a dream team

1) Attractive Team Goals Having a clear team vision is probably the most important thing for any team. This may be the same as a business vision statement, but if it is a larger organization, you will need a specific team vision as well. The idea here is not to get too complicated, but to bring everyone together with a common goal — something that motivates and somehow aligns with individual goals. Use simple language that inspires teams to work together for something bigger than themselves! An example is Offeo, a drag and drop video creation platform. They have set a vision to build the simplest animation video creation platform in the world. For online teamwork, creating and communicating team goals consistently is essential. Often team members are excluded from their work, so they need to be reminded of the purpose and impact of their work.

2) Clear Responsibilities With an overarching vision, responsibilities need to be broken down so that each team member knows exactly how their role fits into the vision. Ambiguity creates stress, so do not leave people guessing. Explain what each person is responsible for and how their role contributes to the team’s performance. Knowing how their contributions are incorporated into the team’s results can be very motivating.

3) Positive Team Culture Team culture and team norms that develop over time largely determine how team members interact with one another. A supportive team culture means that team members encourage each other (without lowering the standards expected of one another). They both care about team results and are less driven by individual motivation. A positive team culture really stems from people liking and respecting one another — which can be developed by giving people the opportunity to understand each other. That is why the HR department loves activities that create situations for team members to get to know each other, and create situations of mutual dependence (Yes, that is actually a great idea!).

4) Solid Team Process For a group of individuals to become a ‘dream team’, they also need a way of working together. This might include regular team meetings (perhaps weekly), ways to share what everyone is working on (use the Action App for this!), and ways to communicate (e.g. chat programs). One-on-one individual encounters are also an important part of a solid team process.

5) Strengthening Feedback Systems Knowing what is working and what needs to be improved creates the feedback loop that individuals and teams need. Without feedback, it is difficult to maintain motivation and the will to improve. Feedback should take many forms — announcements, positive acknowledgments in front of peers, individual performance appraisals, and regular team progress charts (perhaps in a dashboard or KPI report). Celebrating success is also a big part of creating a high-performing team. Make your team’s wins memorable and worth fighting for!

6) External Support Even the best teams cannot succeed without the necessary support around them. Depending on the situation, this may be senior management support, adequate funding, or board support. A team that does well internally, but is externally hindered from achieving great things, ends up feeling frustrated and disenfranchised. Before long, morale dropped and team members left or resigned to simply make a move.

Open communication is needed to explain the clarity of roles and work tasks, there is no verbal intimidation or action. There are clear expectations about the role each team member plays. When action is taken, clear tasks are created, accepted, and executed. Work assignments are fairly distributed among team members. Although teams have a formal leader, the function of leadership shifts, over time depending on the circumstances, the needs of the group, and the skills of the members. Formal leaders model appropriate behavior to help create positive norms.Building effective teamwork is the task of a leader and this cannot be achieved in a short time. You have to work hard and give your team full attention to keep it as solid as you want it to be. Start sowing seeds of goodness within the team, and you will reap the same in the future.




Written by KALORI KSBA

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